It’s the month of NanNoWriMo– The National Novel Writing Month. Something I have participated in some previous years.
In the blogosphere, November has been designated as the National Blog Posting Month or NaBloPoMo. I found out about this one on the last day of October.
My very first instinct when I heard of NaBloPoMo was:
- How can I participate?
- What do I want to do, and when can I fit it in my schedule?
- Wouldn’t it be fun to have this done and under my belt when December rolls around?
- I would have the bragging rights!
Classic me!!
Then the sensible side of my brain kicked in seconds later (thankfully!), to remind me:
- That I have already taken on a big project for the month of November, working on my new art series.
- That it is more than enough work.
- That I really want to focus on this one project and do it well.
- That I do not need to take on more.
- That it’s not a requirement for me to write a post a day in November, just because it’s November.
All these thoughts flitted through my mind in a couple of seconds.
At the end of it I was imagining the dread I would feel if I put this pressure on me…The overwhelm of it all. That I would feel the heaviness of this commitment, and still do it. That fun would be taken out of it.
Not sure if this scenario would play out exactly as I imagined it. But I realized it was my brain’s way of steering me clear of extra commitments that may be too much to handle at this point.
Thank you brain.
So, to be clear:
I will not be participating in NaNoWriMo, and write a novel this November.
I will not be participating in NaBloPoMo, and posting a blog post every single day this November either.