Here is what I am thankful for this week:
My Art Practice and business

I am in the depths of making a series of little mini paintings and getting everything ready. It’s a bit crazy, but it is also very satisfying. To make things that I enjoy, to design my work like I want to. To take control of things and put my stamp on it…it’s all very exciting. It not easy. That is not what I am saying here. In fact, it’s quite hard, especially the marketing part. But I think things need to be a little bit difficult so that there is hard work and learning involved. Otherwise, I know I would get bored. There has to be something to keep me interested. Making new work, and putting it out there…I am thankful to have that kind of freedom and resources to do the hard work I enjoy.
My Yoga Practice

I am still in my Deload for a second week. Next week is back to normal training. But doing Yoga in the middle of the day with time and attention, I realized how very much I love it. I do do yoga every day, or some sort of mobility. But it’s always a rushed 15-20 minutes. I certainly don’t get into the groove of things. But with the longer and more intentional yoga sessions I did last two weeks to replace one of my gym sessions, I have I want more of this. So I will make an effort to do longer sessions on weekends, and enjoy them. Maybe go to an in-person lesson once a month or so. We will see. But for now, I am thankful for the lovely experience I had, and I want more!

Yes oatmeal. I have increased my macros by a tiny bit for the deload weeks. That gives me the opportunity to try something different. I am adding some steel cut oatmeal to my usual morning breakfast of cottage cheese, pumpkin seeds and banana. I have to say that I feel more solid in my body with the added carbohydrates. Lifting in the gym feels easier. I am more there in the mornings. So thanks to oatmeal, and it may just have to stay beyond this week…And yes, I mostly eat the same things day after day on weekdays. Life is just easier that way.
My Husband making yummy things in the kitchen

Since work from home is the usual thing these days, and that means more time at home, obviously, my husband has been pretty active in the kitchen these last few years. And now he’s taken over a weekend meal, and helps out with breakfast and dishes and makes yummy things like focaccia sometimes…And bread is never not welcome in our house. Because it is easy to make school lunches with, and a great snack for hungry teenagers. So my gratitude to my husband who’s been doing more in the kitchen when he has time and bandwidth in his brain. He makes our food life more exciting, as I mostly go for boring but nutritious stuff most times.
We saw a cute movie together

This past weekend we saw an Irish film Joyride starring Olivia Coleman (aka the Queen in The Crown). My husband and son were reluctant (they usually are when I pick a foreign film!), but we were all pleasantly surprised! It was an entertaining emotional movie that we all really enjoyed. With winter creeping up, we may be catching up on lots of movies at home, and this was definitely a great start. I am excited to find other off-the-beaten-path movies to share with my son. I think it’s important for children to have some idea of other people’s lives and ways of living from around the world to be more tolerant and accepting and curious and humble. And movies are a fantastic (and cheap) way to get that experience, compared to say traveling- which definitely would be the best most expensive way. And Hollywood movies have their place. But they should not discount other kinds of movies in our lives- why not enjoy the variety the world has to offer I say 🙂