I learnt the term “passive frugality” from Kristen of The Frugal Girl yesterday. I vaguely understood the concept from my own life, but I hadn’t given it much thought, and certainly did not know this term before. It’s the idea of not doing certain things that lead to frugality, rather than actively doing frugal things.
When I read about it on Kristen’s blog, I realized, my life is full of such passive frugalities.
So, I figured, I would list a few here today.
- I get my books at the library, or borrow, or find them at the little free library. I am a big fan of the Libby app for listening to audiobooks while working out 🙂
- I make both my husband and my lunches for every weekday the night before. So at lunchtime we don’t have to go hunting for stuff around the house, and there is no temptation of buying food that is both expensive, and not as great for us as this!
- I have not bought gym clothes is ages, and am ok wear the old holey t-shirts for workout because I am not at the gym to look good. I am there, so I can look good in the rest of my life. And feel strong and healthy of course! (I feel this will be a great post on its own).
- I use recyclables whenever I can think of it- grocery bags, produce bags that I sewed, wash and re-use ziplock bags, reusable “paper” towels, cloth napkins. Carrying my water bottle and travel coffee cup everywhere is a habit now.
- I don’t dye my hair, or get manicures and pedicures. I don’t use products for my hair or skin. Simple natural oils do the trick.
- I don’t go shopping for clothes or shoes till something breaks down and needs replacing. Or a new need crops up.
- We don’t buy new iPhones, because, we don’t really care to spend all the money for something that’s not worth it to us. The used ones work just as well.
- We make, and carry our homemade coffee with us 90% of the times. Sometimes we don’t…read yesterday’s post.
- We don’t shop sales because there’s a sale on. We may wait to get something we need till Boxing Day or Black Friday sale etc. But mostly we get what we need when we really need it. And stay away from extras.
- We use the thrift store for clothes STRICTLY when required…coz they are in great condition, and there is already enough clothing in the world that is not being used well enough. And who needs so many clothes all the time anyways, right? Growing children do, but us adults don’t really I think.
Ok, so maybe the active and passive got all muddled up in my list above, but you get the point…
I don’t always have to try to be frugal, because lots of systems in my life already lean me in that direction.
That is all intentional. And seems to make more sense to me.
AND, I could most probably find more ways to be intentional to not be wasteful with money and resources.
AND, we like to indulge in many things in life- good quality food, traveling once in a while, great coffee (homemade)…