Stained Glass Brain

Stories, ideas and musings to make sense of this thing called life..

My Reading Troubles…

Reading has slowed WAY down for me the last few weeks. With all that I have on my plate with art making stuff, and the brain space it takes up even when I am not actually painting, I have a hard time picking up a book.

Although, when I do pick up a book, it’s actually good for me, because it takes me into a whole other world. I get disconnected with all the thoughts clouding my mind, and get a reprieve from my mental clutter.


How to do something that is good for me, but hard for me? That is the dilemma. 

Also, for the end of the year, with no book club book to read (we just meet for a holiday potluck in December), I use the month to read a classic or two. Last year were Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky and Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë.

I am looking forward to my classics, and hope to get to them soon. But before that the plan is to finish Mrs. Van Gogh that I am in the middle of (it’s easy reading, but my brain is too full of stuff to concentrate for longish periods). And after that I am planning to read my November Shakespeare play of Julius Caesar. And only after these two reads am I getting to William Thackeray’s Vanity Fair. And maybe followed by Ovid’s Metamorphoses. We will see how December pans out.

But having a reading plan means I know what’s coming next, and I am not scrambling wasting my time looking for a read. 

Of course, sometimes minds get changed, and books get dropped because I have no desire to spend time on books I can’t seem to get into or enjoy…with all the variety of books in this world and too short a time to read them all. 

But sometimes I get stuck in busy periods of life with less of a desire to read. And then I have a feeling of something missing in life. Because books are great friends that I don’t ever want to be without at any time in my life.

With all of this said, I think I will make more of an effort to pick up my book and get through it. It would be pretty sweet to finish it by the weekend.

And move on.

Because sometimes, when I am lingering with a book for a long time, I am ready to be done with it and move on to others. Again, because there are so many to get to, and time is short!!

With that said, here’s to hoping this week is a good reading week…

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