Stained Glass Brain

Stories, ideas and musings to make sense of this thing called life..

Black Friday Recap

Just a recap of my previous post…Black Friday deals.

Did I fall for any of it?

Well, “fall” would be taking it a bit far. But I did assess my needs, looked up the store: Pact, that offered to fulfill those needs, and bought what I needed. And, I obviously like that particular store, so supporting it felt good.

And yes, they did have a deal on exactly what I wanted- some good quality cotton leggings if you’re wondering. Perfect!

With my No-Buy phase, I had decided to put a stop to it in December so that I am able to buy gifts for myself and my family. I am happy with how July to November went with me not shopping for stuff for myself all this time.

But sometimes, a person needs things. Leggings in this case, and some night-time PJs. So, I will fulfill those needs. These are definitely not wants because these are staple clothing- not exciting at all.

What I am treating myself to is the little Price and Kensigton teapot in the photo above. I am a sucker for nicely shaped dishes, and afternoon herbal teas. So this teapot is helping me with both those wants. Yes, I did fall for this one! And it was on sale too, so I don’t feel too badly. I look forward to my winter afternoons spent with it 🙂

And that’s it really. Because the gifts that I planned to get for Christmas- they are not on sale. So I can get those later. Spread out my expenses. 

And that’s a wrap to Black Friday for the year. 

I have to say, with all the deals hitting us from all the corners of internet and the retail stores, it sure is hard to escape. Another area that seems hard to escape besides buying stuff, is all the courses and programs that are on sale. But again, how much do we truly need in life?

I think, just with questioning ourselves before we hit “add to cart”, and assessing its value in our lives- or putting a breath of intentionality- may be a good idea. 

Now that Black Friday is done, and we can all breathe normal again, maybe I need to assess my strategy for Boxing Day deals, and learn from this experience…

Since life is an ever evolving experience …and hopefully always in the positive direction, right?!

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