Stained Glass Brain

Stories, ideas and musings to make sense of this thing called life..

Black Friday Frugality

Black Friday is in the air. A perfect time to talk about frugality, no? Along with Boxing Day here in Canada, of course.

So am I getting anything from Black Friday sales?

The simple answer is “No”. 

Because I have no need for anything.

All the email promotions for Black Friday are easy to pull one into the FOMO mentality. But really, if we didn’t need that thing before we saw the email, or the deal on social media, we really don’t need to spend our hard earned cash on it. It surely is not going to add to our lives. Not once the novelty has worn off anyways.

This thought is easy to think, but complex to implement. Because we are humans, and our brains are wired a certain way. 

The animal instinct in us says: get whatever you can for however little you can. 


No need to over-analyze this simple human brain-need to collect stuff for cheap in case of a famine. 

But now that we don’t lead simple animalistic lives, the complexity of our needs has risen with the complexity of the offerings and possibilities around us. 

But that also means that our thinking has become complex enough that we are able to ponder about this problem. As well, to override the basic instinct of collecting and hoarding. 

That is, overcoming the FOMO.

I am using my override function this weekend. And staying away from the sales.

In case of a genuine need, I would be happy to spend a little less money and use the sale as a great time to get the thing or product I need. But otherwise, my credit card will stay tucked in my wallet. Proverbially of course, coz we don’t even need a physical card to buy things anymore!

Of course, Black Friday offers a great opportunity to buy the Christmas gifts we meant to buy anyways. With the heavy expense of Christmas shopping for folks, this day of sales gives a little respite, and that is a thing to be happy about. 

I invite you to think about the override function we all have developed in the complex evolution of the human race over the centuries. Yes, we can choose to go with the simple instinct of falling for the temptation of the sales just because it’s in our face right now.

But, using our complex thinking, not filling our homes with junk, not having a credit card to pay off for the junk…and having the peace of mind, and to not fall for the pull of the sales…

That is a good place to be today.

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