It’s Friday, and that means I talk about frugality in some form or the other.
But the fact is that I don’t think I have been frugal in any big way that I can think of.
Between Black Friday and the holidays, I gave myself permission to spend. Not excessively, but from my pocket money that sits in my chequing account I call “SPENDINGS”. I boosted this account with a little more than usual money for the month of December. And I used it well. And enjoyed it.
Having been on a NO SPEND period from July all the way to Black Friday, I had planned the SPEND period too. With this planning, I had the balance in my life that made me feel not deprived whatsoever. As long as I don’t have a great need for anything- important things, or replacing broken things for my personal use- I did not need to buy more of anything.
Because just a little me already consumes more than her needed share, as we all do. I did not need to add to that burden of owning and consuming even more.
But I am as human as everyone.
So I did buy myself one dress, appropriate for winter, that I love. It’s of great quality and with me wearing it once in a while, it is going to last me a long time. I felt great wearing it for a Christmas party. Besides that I bought gifts for my family that I wanted to get them. I also replenished my Alo Moves membership and bought a couple other courses online that would help me with either my health or my art making and marketing endevours. With all of that, I think I have plenty to chew on for the rest of the year. Black Friday deals helped me save some money. Oh, and on the very last night of my SPENDING period, I sneaked in a book order. I bought it used, so it was a nice small expense. I did check my library before buying, and they only had it in the reference section.
And that was it.
I am back to my no-spending self. And feel completely satisfied and comfortable in my skin- both as a spender, and now as a minimal-spender. The balance I think is important. But skewed in favour of not spending, in my opinion. Because in these modern times we already own too much. And buying more, and more, is usually just a greed thing, and in-the-moment thing…as I’ve written many times in this space. I am definitely trying to curb those behaviours as I am becoming aware of them, and hopefully, getting wiser because of it!
That is my frugal life in this moment.
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