Stained Glass Brain

Stories, ideas and musings to make sense of this thing called life..

Bit By Bit Feeling More Alive

When I was thinking of starting this blog, I was quite reluctant. Because what I truly wanted was some way to have a short, but regular, writing practice. 

Because, when I am writing, I know I am thinking clearly about my life.

The reluctance came from knowing that having a blog is not just about writing. Yes, its a great way to share my writing with the world, which I am happy to. Because sharing one’s creative work, or as Seth Godin calls it “shipping the work”, is the way to give it life.

But having a blog also means spending time to

  • Make a blog website
  • Take time every day to make the post page
  • Having appropriate photos.
  • As well, in today’s day and age, to socialize it.

Which meant a whole lot more work than just writing. 

And the other, maybe a bigger part of my rethinking the blog thing, or even the writing thing actually was:

Did I really want to spend my energy writing? 

I mean, I am so very happy making art, and creating my business and doing all the stuff connected to that. Would not having a regular writing practice, along with the added accountability of the public blog just make me distracted in ways that I did not want? 

Don’t the experts advice to say no to all the distractions and do only what you truly want to do, well? 

I have been saying no to extraneous things in my life for a few years now. I am very reluctant to say yes. There is so much distraction available in our lives everywhere. For me they would include taking on a number of creative projects, or doing online or in-person courses for any topic of even mild interest, or going to gatherings with other humans that don’t serve my time in ways that I find best. And of course, watching a whole lot of TV shows, which may or may not be great!

These would be my time-sucks away from my true creative work of art-making. And so I have been saying no a lot. Which means I am very discerning of what I say yes to in my everyday life.

But writing was something I feel like I was always attracted to, even though I may not be great at it.

A blank page was never my nemesis, but rather my invitation into voicing my thoughts and opinions on a certain topic. 

I remember feeling super energized writing essays for school as long back as in 4th or 5th grade- just the thoughts flowing out of me, the research giving my writing life, and putting my ideas in the most coherent way…it was always exciting. 

When one of my teachers shared my essay in Hindi  with the class as a good example, I heard my own energy in my words through her voice, and had a feeling of strength. Hard to describe, but I still remember the feels it gave me.

I wrestled and freewrote my way through all of these arguments back and forth when deciding whether I want to start this blog or not. 

Also because I had never truly written on this regular basis, I feared I wouldn’t really have anything to say every single day! That argument went in my freewriting as well.


I decided, I would never know till I give it a try.

I have wanted writing to be a part of my life in different shapes and forms for 15-20 years or so. I have tried all different forms- journaling, blogging for my art, NaNoWriMo, writing little novellas for my son, writing short stories, writing at lunch time everyday when I had a 9-5 job…

If I did not give it a try…I may regret it. And regret is one feeling I don’t want to die with. For all that I could have accomplished but never even made an attempt…isn’t that the worst regret to have?

Recently I heard this being called somewhere as: “giving all your bits a life to live fully”.

So here I am, giving my writing bit a life. Because that bit of me is loud and clear about how it wants to live. Along with my art bit.

And together those two bits make me live more fully. I have this feeling, walking around on a nice day outside, that my head is held higher, and the confidence flows from me, that I am a little more complete. 

Because a little bit more of me is alive. 

In this blog.

Are you letting all your important bits breathe and live?

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